Thursday 13 September 2007

Beam me up BITCH!

Captains log.. stardate 13/09/07

the days been unevenful yet again, though if I aint drunk by this evening then I will definately code some more, nipping into #bilge was fucking boring and I suppose doing some lonesom coding is better than chatting to yourself and looking plus feeling like a right cunt!

Tuesday 11 September 2007


Well its tuesday night!...After an odd few days I have done no coding whatsoever! Spending monday looking for a phone (and nearly getting killed doing so)!! I spent the rest of Monday sussing the phone out to its full potential..

Today(Tuesday) I errr..was sleeping alot oddly... then a phonecall came saying i had football! which was odd as we usually play on a wednesday, I struggled to get manhunt 2 onto a dvd that worked for my son! then I fell asleep alot again?? Dunno why... then I went to soccer about 7pm..then I came home and drank vodka and odd odd couple of days really.. I hope wednesday settles my shit down to code again!!

Thursday 6 September 2007


God help me, I feel ill, it all started when I made a return to soccer yesterday, with not playing for a while I knew that I would be knackered within the first few minutes of play, so I thought a few whiskies might 'persuade' my body to play better, so half an hour before I setoff to soccer i drank about a quart bottle of whisky, man I felt good and like a surge on energy went through me, it helped my soccer alot and I scored loads....ran around defending also, my team congratulated me after the game in fact.

Horever I didnt stop there coz once I have the taste for it then I want more, so after getting home I started on a bottle of vodka, I drank half the bottle and fell alseep not long after....waking up I puked in the toilet this morning several times, then slept like most of the day..Boy I have let myself down! Anyhow if possible some more coding will be done later today, gunna see what I cna buy to make me feel better! :(

Tuesday 4 September 2007


Well bollux I fell alseep @10pm and woke up an hour later, ignoring this timezone as I have stated its Wednesday morning... 2:32AM right now.. Yes my sleeping pattern has been damaged beyond immediate repair!

So anyhow I coded some more and drank some coffee, the editor now has the ability to delete tiles already added with the delete key(amazing) or to clear the whole level with one swift press of the c key if required... Soon I will add the ability to save/load levels into the editor, after this I want to add more features and will think real hard about what I can add to make it greater!

One thing I have learnt from the past is that always use variables and not numbers, this makes the program far easier to read and to modify, for example I could say if i press the leftt key then move the cursor 32 pixels across..or in real code like so:

if(key(_left) and posix>1)

However I would have to stick to 32 forever (or go about changing loads of 32's wherever they crop up in the program), what if I wanted in one press of a key to change the gaps that the cursor moves to 16? As you should imagine this would involve alot of modifying wherever 32 is... a pain to say the least! so instead I choose to say:

if(key(_left) and posix>1)

xgap is a global variable that currently has a value of 32, if I change just one single instance where I declare the variable from 32 to 16 then this effects whole chunks of code!
I hope you can see how much better it is!

Of course the more skilled among you will already know this, I practice it religeously throughout the whole of my code..

Another day nearly gone by! God time flies when you're having fun??
Ok so I have done a little bit more, but most of the day was spent chopping down the garden and drinking alcohol, then an emergency visit to the supermarket saw another 3 hours wasted!
I got a 9.5% can of lager on the way down there and felt pretty good, however another similar can on the way back has left me feeling abit...tipsy!
Heres a 1st screeney of the editor, very basic for now..very incomplete,but hell it can only get better!!

Another day

Woke up around 12:30 pm after spending most of the night awake, partially coding...
Havent looked into the map size problem yet, I woke up in severe pain and have just laid here on the bed in some sort of dream world....

I have the front garden to do which should be fun as it has 4 foot weeds in there, then I commence doing more stuff to the project. Day 2 without ircing!!

Monday 3 September 2007


Ok I am falling in and out of consciousness here, in the moments of me being out of em, I code abit and so forth, hurdle number 1! Using FPG EDIT I tried to create a map of size 12800x480, showing its dislike to this size FPG EDIT promptly crashed out and corrupted the fpg file, what a great start this is! gunna have to see why and see what limits there is then!